Unit news

Par catégorie:Podcast

Cat:836/6112 from 836-Par catégorie/6112-Podcast ===> 5

Read here all the unit news in french.

  • Syntropic agriculture and agroforestry, a common proposal force

    Syntropic agriculture and agroforestry, a common proposal force


    To mark the release of his book AgriculTerre: refonder l'agriculture au service de tous, Jacques Tassin was a guest on the April 5 edition of C'est pas du vent, hosted by Anne-Cécile Bras on RFI.

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  • Amazonia: The lungs of the planet on their last legs

    Amazonia: The lungs of the planet on their last legs


    Interviewed on France 24, Valéry Gond, from the UPR Forêts et Sociétés, explains the risks of a shift in the role of the Amazon forest basin in regulating water flows between the soil and the atmosphere.

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  • Deforestation, overexploitation, megafires... forests in danger

    Deforestation, overexploitation, megafires... forests in danger


    The world's forests, reservoirs of life and carbon, are in constant decline. How can they be better protected? Plinio Sist, director of the Forests and Societies unit, specialising in forest ecosystems at CIRAD, and Hervé Le Treut, climatologist and former member of the IPCC, explained the importance of preserving forests on the TV5 Monde programme Grand Angle.

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  • Peut-on consommer sans déforester ? ©Getty - kampee patisena

    Can we consume without deforestation?


    On Wednesday 19 April, the European Parliament voted to ban the import of deforestation products. While the EU is responsible for 16% of global deforestation, this law is presented as a world first. What are the expected effects? Guillaume Lescuyer is one of the guests on the programme "Le téléphone sonne" on France Inter.

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  • Brenteh Ngogne et Davy Lindzondzo sont des chasseurs de gibier © Brent Stirton

    Podcast | La chasse, une question de survie ?


    Le Cirad consacre sa seconde série de podcasts à la biodiversité. Pour ce quatrième épisode, rendez-vous au cœur de la forêt gabonaise où la chasse fait partie de l’identité culturelle des populations. Des programmes de gestion collective des ressources fauniques sont en train d’être mis en place pour préserver la nature ainsi que la survie des communautés rurales.

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